Sunday, 30 September 2007

C++ - Beware What Lurks Beneath The Surface

C++ is a great programming language. It allows you to mix the most important programming paradigms like object orientation as well as generic, functional and structured programming. Another nice aspect is that the compilers are efficient and with some black template magick, you get some of these things for almost free at run time.

However, one of the greatest features of C++ can hurt you: When you write your own classes, they meld into your source code as if they were built-in types most of the time. However, always remember what is going on under the surface.

Today, I was hacking away at an OpenMP parallelization of a shortest-path algorithm (Highway Node Routing by Dominik Schultes) for my student research project. The algorithm needs to perform a lot of Dijkstra single-source shortest-path searches.

The existing code encapsulated the Dijkstra search in its own object class and the construction code had a single Dijkstra object to perform these searches:

class ConstructionClass {
  ConstructionClass(Graph *g)
    : _graph(g), _dijkstra(g) {}
  void doConstruction() {
    // ...
    for (NodeID u = first; u != last; u++) {
      // ...
    // ...

  Dijkstra _dijkstra;
  Graph *_g;

This part of the parallelization comes almost for free: Use a Dijkstra object for each thread and you're done. OK, so I ended up with the following code in ConstructionClass::doConstruction() before adding #pragma omp parallel.

void doConstruction() {
  // ...
  for (NodeID u = first; u != last; u++) {
    Dijkstra d(_graph);
  // ...

So far, so good. I compiled the program and let it run and the construction time went up from 2 seconds to more than 2 minutes! What was going on?

The problem was that the construction/destruction of the Dijkstra object for every loop took long: Whenever you do not use the new operator, you allocate objects on the stack and they get freed whenever the stack shrinks so it does not include the object any more.

Side node: Note that Java cannot do this — you cannot control where your object get created and because of garbage collection you cannot predict when the object is actually freed.

However, writing the code in C++ hid that fact from me since custom types look almost as built-in types. You could get the same problem with any class that does complex things in its constructor and destructor.

For example, the following two pieces of code are equivalent and memory allocation is expensive!

struct Table {
  Table(int size) {
    arr = new int[size];
  ~Table() {
    delete [] arr;
  int &operator[](const int index) {
    return arr[index];

  int *arr;

// ...

for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
  Table t(MAX);
  // ...


for (int i = 0; i < MAX i++) {
  int *arr = new int[MAX];
  // ...
  delete [] arr;

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Eliza said...

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Single Parents Edinburg said...

I appreciate how versatile C++ is in its ability to incorporate various programming paradigms.


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